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Member Benefits

Only members of Mensa receive the benefit of the following resources:

Local events

Each state, and the ACT, holds several events each month for local members, where you can socialise and engage in interesting activities. Events may include Dinners, Movies, Book Clubs, Games sessions, Speaker meetings or excursions to place of interest. Many states have a dedicated Gifted Childrens Coordinator who organises a number of events targeted at children each year. See the Event Calendar for some idea of events in your area.

Special Interest Groups

or SIGs, are groups of Mensa members with similar interests or backgrounds. There are SIGs to join from within Australia and around the world.

SIGHT (Service for Information, Guidance, and Hospitality to Travellers)

SIGHT assists travellers to find accommodation, guidance and social interaction with other Mensans, both within Australia and overseas. FInd more information on SIGHT here

On-line interaction

Australian Mensa has a number of email discussion groups and groups on Facebook, LInked-in, Google+ and other social media sites. You will also be able to get log-ins for the Mensa International site and many sites for other national Mensas and even join their social media groups.

Mensa emails

Members can now obtain a free email of the form

Mensa Boutique

Mensa members can purchase clothing and other items branded with the world-famous Mensa logo.

Member discounts

Mensa members can get discounts at Concerts, Games stores, Butchers and Bakeries. More deals are being negotiated The latest list is available in the Member centre, but is only visible to members.

Gatherings and other major events

Members can participate in Mensa events in Australia and overseas. Each year, Mensa holds an Annual Mensa Conference (AMC) in a different city in Australia, with the next one in Adelaide in November 2019. There are speakers, a Dinner and a welcome Cocktail party as well as the opportunity for informal interaction with other members from all over the country.

A Kids Conference is also held for Child members or children of Members.

The next Asia-Pacific Mensa Gathering will be in May 2019 in New Zealand.

In addition there are annual and regional gatherings held throughout the year in America, Europe and Asia that members can attend, as well as the IBD, the meeting of the board of Mensa International.